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Welcome to
Harveys of Hythe
where it has been family run since 2007. 

Harveys is conveniently located right in the middle of Hythe's High Street, a short distance from the views of Southampton water. All of us at Harveys pride ourselves on providing you with attentive, knowledgeable, and memorable service. Whether it is serving an ice-cream, making your lunch, brewing a coffee, or selecting cheeses we are here to help you every step of the way. 

Amanda, Pippa & Jonathan


Providing cheese expertise for:

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Jonathan Recommends:

Montagnolo Affine

"Montagnolo affine is a German triple-crème blue cheese which is fantastically smooth, rich and indulgent! Perfect on its own or with a glass of white wine, this cheese has a lot to offer blue cheese beginners or connoisseurs alike." 

"At Harveys we are proud to support British cheesemakers
ensuring our counter selection changes with the season
to provide a stunning variety for our

Jonathan Broomfield

-Harveys Cheese Expert &

International Cheese & Dairy Awards Ambassador-

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